

Jesus Christ ....................................................................Support

Princess Adams ...........................................In Total Agreement

Rholenn L. Ford ............................................................... FAQs

Victoria Ring ...................Computer Graphic Design & Layout
Gary Stephens (my bro.) / Ms. Joan D. James.........Webmasters
Jerry P. Schroader............................................Web Page Editing

LaDonna R. Ford................................Web link (Living forever)
Tajavay Ford......................................New .Org Website Editing

Kamera Ford...........................................................Videographer
(Assts: DeWayne Adams / Carnell Ford)
Mario Bickham.."Wisdom" "Honesty".. Decortive Stone photos
My Parents & Family.................................................Their Love

Friends and Associates...............................................Their Time

Enemies ...................................................For Being Themselves

Unknowns....................................For Reading and Sharing This                                                       Website With Others

My Own Soul ............................................For Following Christ
Network Solutions..................................................Website Host

Brentwood Christian Press ..............33 Page Booklet With New                                                            Front Cover Design
Christian Faith Publishing ..............Latest Edition Has 56 Pages
           SPECIAL THANKS:

To The Cuong (Gung) of John-Henry Printing & Copying for all the additional typesetting and excellent printing. For my grandmother for instructing me to "use God in everything" I do. To my granddad for instructing me to "never compromise" outside of my faith. To Gregg America for giving me my first Bible; I was eighteen years old.  To my aunt Anita Ford for giving my second Bible of which I still have, and later on for the two plaques: "THE LORD'S PRAYER" and "THE BEATITUDES". To Princess Adams for her dedication and courage regarding spiritual matters, and also for her kindness. For Paul Branea for explaining to me the importance of weighing all my options in life as oppose to just doing things that felt good or doing things at random. To all my kids and their mothers. To my dear precious mother, may Hawaii be just as good to you as you are to us. To all my Family and all my Friends for being there throughout the years. Last but not least, to my dad (Geno) for coming back into our lives again, we love you. I'm also thankful for those who helped in secret and went unnoticed. Above all, God is the one I acknowledge the most for creating all that is.

Page VI "Talking It Over" by Glenn Ford