



Page 15    "Talking It Over" by Glenn Ford

                    •••••••••••••(John 19:30)•••••••••••••

Most never experience the essence of God/Jesus, because they rely on Paul's writings and John's "Revelations" to define their belief and/or position; And not to mention that famous saying by Timothy: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God." "Hold on to your seat." Don't go anywhere unless you're planning on coming right back; what I'm about to explain has merit. It's not meant to misguide or upset you, so use your love and be open.

Okay, let's just start with who is it now that we should listen to since Jesus has ascended? It’s “THE COMFORTER.” Now comfort from anyone else can send you to hell with bits and pieces of Truth, and not the whole Truth; THE HOLY SPIRIT, or THE COMFORTER. Please do not think that you are above this because you know the scriptures. Fact is if you do know the scriptures you know that many will and have addressed the Lord saying: “We have prophesied, casted out devils, and done many wonderful works in your name Lord.” And this is our Lord’s answer? “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Let's look at "work iniquity" in relation to work completed ("IT IS FINISHED".) Any work that doesn’t line up with God’s finished work is work of iniquity. That’s the main reason Jesus said: "KEEP MY SAYINGS,” so that we don’t fall short of the glory of God.

Now, let's go back a bit. Paul and John both had revelations said to be from God. Jesus said, "It is finished." I'm only going to take serious 'THE COMFORTER' (His Words) because anyone else may be intentionally or unintentionally misguiding. See, The Comforter will bring back to your memory everything Jesus taught you, and show you things to come by HIS Words. To say or do something unintentionally because you've been misinformed will not send you to hell; It's only when you don't repent. Let's move on! John’s "REVELATIONS" mentioned the "Seven Churches." Have you ever heard Jesus mention them when he was teaching us to go to the world and say what he says? Paul's writings mentioned that he was in a straight between two: the desire to depart (die/perish), and be with Christ or to stay and continue teaching. Where or when did Jesus teach us that death was ever an option to be desiring to be with him; unless we're talking about dying to one's self and becoming one with Jesus (born again:) receiving the Holy Spirit. That's not what Paul was speaking about. He was speaking on perishing. Jesus taught: "Shall not perish." Even in the old testament God said, "For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, .... wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye." Jesus taught life everlasting. He died so you wouldn't have to! He payed for your sins that would normally kill you and send you to hell. Evil is telling you that you have to die in order to be with the Lord or in heaven; not so. Jesus said: "Father I will that they be where I am so that they may behold my glory." This does not mean for you to die, but to be one with Him and the Father as He was when He was in the flesh: And I quote, "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the son of man, (Jesus Christ), which is in heaven." "....which is in heaven.", as *He spoke in the flesh* and at the same time He was, "....in heaven." That's where he wants us to be as we go forth ( one with Him); in earth and in heaven. Hence: "In earth as it is in heaven...." Being one with Him. And only then will you experience the essence of God. And only then will you be able to receive the Comforter and abode forever here on earth. The alternative is to die and your soul be sent to hell.

Since the beginning death has always been the wages of sin; never an avenue to Heaven. The Kingdom of God (Heaven) comes not by observation (it’s not a place), but is within ( knowing God.) Jesus prayed to the Father: not that you be taken out of the world, but that you be protected from the evil one. And that protection comes from The Comforter; "and I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter (even the Spirit of Truth) that He may (if you let Him) *abide with you forever.*” Don't confuse Paradise with Heaven. Paradise is where some prophets and saints and others went after passing; Hence: Abraham, Moses, The Beggar, Elijah, and one of the male factors at Calvary, and a certain Centurion and others with much faith, (but not the faith that it takes.) And many other sheep that won God’s favor throughout time that were not part of this new “fold” of Apostles and Disciples. And I'll only say the following regarding this because its another subject matter: "But the children of the Kingdom (Paradise), shall be cast out into outer darkness." Hence: "All that *ever* came before me are thieves and robbers.” Moving on; remember when considering all that was said that God knows you even before you entered the womb; and that you've already been judged: "I am the Resurrection and the Life." And that your sentence can come at any time and only if you deserve one, no matter the age or title. This may seem somewhat brutal, but God created evil for the day of evil. God shows the good and the bad, hoping you choose good. Your choice! This writing was all intended for the Babes in Christ; for we all have to crawl before we walk; And run into the Essence of God. Just remember Jesus said “KEEP MY SAYINGS ” and later said “IT IS FINISHED.”
Copyright © 2019 Glenn Ford.